Valeria is a 30 year Sales Veteran and a ‘Top Producer’ status in every industry she has tackled.
She has consulted and trained major national and international organizations including...
The American Chamber of Commerce
International real estate brokerages
Procter & Gamble
General Motors
Sea Board Marine
Club Med
Norwegian Cruise Lines
... and LOADS more!
Valeria has been training and coaching companies and people from more than 40 nationalities...
... which helps her understand different cultures and the impact on the sales process.
She is the author of the book "Success with International Customers for Real Estate Agents"...
... and recognized as one of the Top 50 most successful women in Venezuela, by The Daily Journal.
She is a trainer, coach, and faculty member for the John Maxwell Team and a trainer with Tony Robbins.
She has also won multiple awards as a sales professional in different industries and has trained and coached over 20,000 people in a wide variety of fields.